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domain registration

Register your domain with us!

Click here if you want to register your domain with us yourself. You can charge your registration to your credit card, making it easy to get your own domain name.

If you are not comfortable with registering your own domain(s) and/or using your credit card online, Contact Us to register them for you. We will require information such as the official name of your business, your name, business contact information, etc., which is required by the registrar. We also require your credit card information (please do not send this via email!!) and will contact you for this information, in order to pay the registrar fee. There is no additional charge if we search for and/or register your domain for you. Your registration fee can alsop be paid by check, but again, we cannot register your domain for you until payment is received in some form. If we are also hosting your site, payment of hosting costs must be made before your site is made live.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Never EVER send credit card information through email.

If you wish to have us register your domain for you, you can also download our Domain Registration and Hosting form in PDF format and either email us the information requested on the form (bot not credit card info), or call us at 828-891-2563 and we will be glad to help you. Please be aware that we cannot complete your request until we receive your payment.

If you download the form (see link below), please indicate on the form which services you want—you do not have to host with us in order for us to register your domain, nor do you have to purchase your domain through us for us to host your website. We help you transfer your domain to our servers at little or no cost, depending on the size and complexity of the site (large sites may incur some cost to transfer due to the time involved), if you wish to host with us. There is no requirement that we must do both, or either one, if you only wish to engage our design services.

Click here to download our Domain Registration and Hosting form.

How do I know what kind of domain to choose?

You can view our domain FAQ , which will give you some basics. It also helps to be aware that using keyphrases in your domain name—phrases that describe or apply to your business—are a great help later on when optimizing your site for search engines. If you need help, feel free to call us and ask: 828-891-2563.

How long before my new domain is ready to use?

Domain Registration and Domain Hosting setup for a new domain can be completed in just a few minutes. However, for the site to be seen across the Web, it will take 24-48 hours for your domain's nameservers to resolve, i.e., for the servers that tell all other computers and server where to find your site to get that information spread all across the web.Your site can often be seen within a day or less, but it takes anywhere from 2-3 days for email services to settle down enough to be reliably useful. One can safely assume that within 3 days, and certainly within a week, the services for your website will be fully usable and visible across the Web.